
We have a GO! in Eindhoven


We have a GO! On Tuesday evening, January 24, 2023, the Eindhoven city council gave the final green light for the construction of De Tongelreep swimming pool. Due to extreme price increases of material and personnel costs, extra budget is needed to realize the construction.

Together with Adviesbureau Tielemans, contractor Mertens and installers Equans and Lotec , we worked out the final design for this wonderful transformation. The signing of the contracts is planned shortly.

The old outdoor pool has been demolished and the construction of the swimming pools will start before the summer. The new baths will be completed at the end of 2024 and the new construction of the catering, entrance and offices will be completed at the end of 2025.

With the new building, 2,000 m² of new swimming water will be realized with a pool for recreation, target groups and toddlers, an instruction pool, an 8-lane 50-meter competition pool and a 5-lane 25-meter pool. This is in addition to the existing 2,250 m2 of bathing water in the Pieter van den Hoogenband Stadium.